[email protected] Saint Paul, MN

A Little Bit About Me. :)

A Little Bit About Me. :)

With the new web site look, I came across problems. Not a good thing. 🙂
I had providers trying to sign on and coming up with error messages, or forgetting their passwords, and having to contact me via e-mail or phone to get the problems straightened out.
I’m hoping that we are all good to go now….

In talking with providers during this time, some were surprised to find out that I am also a child care provider. I thought I would do a quick introduction for those that don’t know me from yahoo lists or facebook.

I am a child care provider in the state of MN. I have been doing child care for 26 years, and looking forward to another 10 years. I started like most of you. Wanting to stay home with my own children when they were little, but once they wre in school I knew I had found my lifes calling… Child care.

I have seen many changes since day one 26 years ago, in both myself and the profession.
I have received a 4 star rating, my CDA and I am currently working towards National Accreditation with my observation in June. I hired an assistant last June, so now we have 2 adults and currently 11 children ages 1 – 5.

I started 1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum because I didn’t find out there what I wanted to use in my program. It’s a big hit being used all across the US, plus Canada, Australia, India and Hungary. Being a child care provider, I hope gives me the knowledge to know what you want in a preschool program and I will always work to make this a program you are happy to use in your child care, preschool or home….

Well, I just wanted to quickly introduce myself…. 🙂