[email protected] Saint Paul, MN

Winter Magnet Sheets

Winter Magnet Sheets

I have added winter magnet sheets to the 1 – 2 – 3 learn Curriculum web site under the winter theme.

A fun magnet activity to use during your winter theme.

To use a magnet page:

• Purchase cookie sheets and OfficeShip Power magnets
• Print up sheets on white card stock.
• Laminate.
• Have children place a sheet on a cookie sheet.
• Have children complete the picture by putting a magnet in each circle. (You can also use pompoms)
• You can make this a different learning activity by having children use one color for each picture, or count the number of magnets they used on each picture.

This activity is designed to promote one to one correspondence, small motor skills, math and color.

More to be added
Thank you!
1 – 2 – 3 Learn Curriculum